connecting cuts
tensta konsthall extention

kth stockholm, september 2001

by kerstin nigsch and anke schwanck

the space where tensta konsthall is situated was a former stockroom. therefore it is not in an exposed position. the mainstreet of tensta centrum - where live happens - is located one level up of the konsthall entrance.

tensta konsthall is hidden at an unattraktiv rest space. there is no connection to tensta centrum, no direct way and no spatial relation.
this is one reason why tensta konsthall is not really adopted by the inhabitants of tensta. at the moment tensta konsthall is more likely a place where people from stockholm-art-scene meet.

the square in front of tensta konsthall is not very inviting because in the middle is a small parking area. since there is a multi storey car park with lots of unused parking lots there is no necessity for it.